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Interview Series Bundle Pack 4
Interview Series Bundle Pack 4 
In this Interview Series Bundle Pack 4, Volumes 31-40 are included as listed below:

31. 9 and 10 Game (Braddock & Mr. M) In this interview we sat down for nearly two hours with two of our top instructors, Mr. M and Braddock, who both have legendary exploits with numerous 9s and 10s, including Playmates, models, strippers and celebrities.

32. Role Plays (Cajun & Tenmagnet) Role plays are a great tool to build attraction by showing your adventurous and playful side, as well as an effective timebridging tool.

33. Logistics: Taking Her Home (Soul & Johnny Wolf) No matter how tight your game is, there are certain logistical variables that can present challenges when attempting to take a girl home. Dealing with logistics can be overwhelming and downright frustrating but not uncontrollable.

34. Female Psychology (Savoy & Soul) The elements that govern a woman's psyche, such as social calibration, are much more complex and dynamic than those for a man.Understanding how women think and knowing "what women really want" will facilitate your pick-up ability.

35. Humor (Braddock & Cajun) To a woman, a good sense of humor is one of the most attractive male qualities.Using humor demonstrates to the opposite sex that you're fun, playful, interesting, and socially calibrated. Humor also alleviates pressure and social awkwardness.

36. Love Systems In Everyday Life (Big Business & Prestige) Learn all the benefits of incorporating game into everyday life and share their personal experiences, which will motivate you to become more socially well-rounded.

37. Issues In Qualifications (Mr. M, Braddock, & Sphinx) Qualification is a vital stage of the interaction that is commonly botched or overlooked altogether. On this interview, master instructors Mr. M, Sphinx, and Braddock share their advanced qualification methods and offer ways to avoid common mistakes.

38. Handling Tests (Soul & Kisser) Tests are one of those critical milestones where the entire tone of the interaction can change for the better or the worse in a split second - and it's up to you to decide which direction it will go. Tests are great opportunities for you to demonstrate high value.

39. Older Men Dating Younger Women (Savoy & Kisser) For many older men, dating younger women can seem like an impossible challenge. Little do they know that their older age can often be an incredible advantage. On this interview, expert instructors Kisser and Savoy go over the adjustments you need to make in your game to be able to date women much younger than yourself.

40. Turning Things Sexual(Braddock & Kisser) The keen ability to turns things sexual in an interaction with a beautiful woman is what will ultimately keep you out of the friend-zone. In this key interview, Braddock and Kisser discuss the core rules of turning things sexual.


SKU IVS-Bundle-04
Price: $290.00

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