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The Art of the Pickup Combo Deal
Add this combo deal to your cart to get The Art of the Pickup and The Art of the Pickup: Tactics & Techniques for a combined discounted price of $339.95 (a savings of $37).
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Our price: $339.95 save 10%
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Relationship Management DVD Set
Relationship management begins before you sleep with her. In fact, bad relationship management can kill your chances of getting into bed in the first place.
Our price: $199.00
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Mystery Method Video Archive Encyclopedia 5-DVD Set
Exclusive! Have Mystery of the VH1 show "The Pickup Artist" teach you dating science &seduction right in your living room! The Mystery Method 5-DVD set is your personal home study course, going step-by-step through the "Mystery Method". We have an exclusive - the best pricing anywhere!
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Our price: $102.49 save 65%