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Interview Series Bundle Pack 1
Interview Series Bundle Pack 1 
In this beginning Bundle Pack 1, Volumes 1-10 are included as listed below:

1. Approaching and Transitioning (Sinn and Savoy) The definitive guide to starting conversations with women and keeping them going smoothly and effectively.

2. Introduction to Attraction (Savoy and The Don) Learn how to effectively build and maintain attraction with beautiful women.

3. Storytelling and Humor (Sinn and Future) Covers creative and effective ways to utilize stories and humor in developing your game.

4. Timebridging and Dates (Future and Ajax) In Love Systems, flakes should be as rare as dates that don’t end physically. Don’t waste all your hard work meeting her without a foolproof plan to see her again and take it to the next level – it’s about getting the girl, not getting the phone number...

5. Frame Control and Subcommunications (Savoy and Sinn) Your mindset and your ability to understand the underlying subcommunications of all your interactions are crucially important.This interview covers these elusive, complicated and critical areas in easy to understand terms you can implement in your life.

6. Identity (Tenmagnet, Sinn, and Future) You cannot get – or if you get, you cannot keep – a 9 or a 10 without a coherent, compelling identity that is not only interesting and attractive to her but also congruent with who you really are. It sounds harder than it is – Tenmagnet & co. take you through the basic steps to sharpen your identity overnight.

7. Dealing with Men and Obstacles (Moxie and Future) A lot of guys shy away from approaching women who are out with guys. Here’s a secret – most of the time, he’s not her boyfriend. Learn why many Love Systems experts prefer mixed groups, how to deal with boyfriends, and how to use other men in the group to help you get the girl. Includes bonus AMOG material.

8. Qualification (Vision and Sinn) Have you had a girl seem really into you but her interest faded when you made your move? Most of the time, this comes from not “qualifying” her properly. Qualification is a crucial part of the Love Systems Emotional Progression Model, and Sinn explains how to use “qualification hoops” to get the same results as top guys do.

9. Using and Creating Routines (The Don and Savoy) If you have the Love Systems Routines Manual, you should definitely get this companion volume. This interview discusses why we use routines, when not to use them and how to utilize them in a way that will maximize your results with women. It also teaches how to create your own routines.

10. Phone Game (Savoy and Sinn) Learn when to call, when to text, what to do if you get her voicemail, how the first and second conversation should go, what to do if she calls, and how to get that girl who never seems to answer her phone.


SKU IVS-Bundle-01
Price: $290.00

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