When you add/keep this follow-up bonus to your purchase, you can attend one of our 4 upcoming teleconferences and ask your questions about pickup in person with us, plus all 4 teleconferences we hold will be available to you as a digital download.
Market price: $99.00
Our price: $49.95 save 50%
Jay (aka Formhandle in the pickup community) is offering in-depth afternoon classes! Gain access to Jay's 10 years of being in and around the pickup...
Montreal All-Day Class by Formhandle August 1, 2009
Jay (aka Formhandle in the pickup community) offering an all-day class in Montreal! Gain access to Jay's 10 years of being in & around the pickup scene...
Now is your chance to get phone coaching with one of the top ladies men in the world, Ray Devans. (Ray is 100% American, but also known to some as "TokyoPUA" because of his fluent Japanese and expertise with Asian women.)
Our price: $179.99